The MichealLeroi theory

Here is my theory on the MichealLeroi channel.
Jacob Sherwood: Sex Machine, director of awesomeness, murdered the Toppler (No joke, he killed the toppler!)
Matt: Member of the Bad Creepypasta series, starred in "Bowling for soup", has an amazing voice.
Toby: Member of the Bad Creepypasta series, also starred in "Bowling for soup", can take wedgies like a man.
English Teacher: Stars in the episode "Squidward's Suicide" And beat it down so hard it does not exist.
M.D Phantasm: A recurring character in the bad creepypasta series and is absolutely hilarious to listen to.
Alexo: Created "The Ultimate Pasta" and stars in a ton of episodes
If you don't understand it already, this cast of characters makes the best possible combination for any channel, tha is why the MichealLeroi channel is so great! No channel can match it.